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19 July 2010


1. The Black Widow  
This spider is probably the most deadly. Shiny black spider is found in North America. Neurotoxic venom cause pain when they bite, it was clear the two fang marks after the bite. 

2. The Brown Recluse 

 This small spider has a violin-shaped backs. Brown Recluse Spider venom causes small bump. Bites were also does not hurt, but remember, these small bump and then will rot and be separated from the victim's body. 

3. The Brazilian Wandering 
Brazilian Wandering spider found in South American forests. They are nervous and aggressive. Bite is extremely painful because he was releasing serotonin into the bloodstream victims. Serotonin can make you die as affected by a drug overdose.

4. The Funnel-Web  

Funnel spider-web is also from Australia. Funnel-web males shiny black or brown. This spider when attacked, stand with their hind legs, showing their fangs. They also have neurotoxic venom and their bites can cause seizures, and the tears. Even just by looking at them, you can shed tears. 

5. The Red Back  

Redback spider (Red Back) found all over Australia. Redback females are usually black with traces of red and orange stripes on the back. This spider has a neurotoxic venom, and when the bite can cause muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting and sweating. The most fatal is the cause paralysis and death.
[resources: wikipedia]
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