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20 October 2010

The Mirror of Life in Bandung

This morning I've got a short message sent from a man who claimed to be my father by cell phone that I have. Message contains a command that I must immediately send the money at 50,000 rupiah. Sender of the message claimed to be the father of my own.

Banknotes of the Indonesian rupiahImage via Wikipedia

But I do not want to be fooled at all! Because I really understand the character of my father.

# 1 from its the way asking for money, he does not show that character my father at all. He's using the Indonesian language .... In fact my father is very strong regional languages, Sundanese.

Then ...# 2 how could a famous artist from West Java to ask for money to their children only 50,000 rupiah? It is highly unlikely! Come on, it makes me more convinced it was not my father ... this incident really makes me laugh!Well .. this is the screenshot:

It means something like this:
...Here's your father, was using a cell phone belonging to someone else, please buy this father pulses worth 50.000 dollars to this number: 085 215 504 392. Your father is in a problem in the police station. Please do not call or send a message first. Let your father a call later. important.

That is the mirror of life in Bandung or anywhere in Indonesia. Whether because of lack of work or it has become a job as a fraud ... This is a world filled with cunning trick! []

13 October 2010

Snoring as Hoax

nerd There was a man who deliberately snoring next to wife...Have a look!

Apparently, it's just a trick ...

10 October 2010

Would You Believe It?

Picture a cliff in Burma. The photos in just one special day of the year can be taken. This day the sun rays with a particular angle is reflected on the rocks:

If you still understand the miracle of this image did not rotate the picture:

01 October 2010

Indonesia Absurd!

Indonesia is the absurd countries! Angry D'ya know why? Here, people fight each other, while the legislature instead engrossed traveling abroad. Comparative study as an excuse. This is a very striking imbalance. (You could see Tarakan for example).

People's war against the people who dropped the victim's life a lot, and the cost is very harmful.
Representatives of the people going abroad with a full smile, while his people suffering. They went to various parts of the world.

Travel implement comparative study as a reason but remember, Where the source of their funds? I'm getting older in this country fake plastic! []